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Amigurumi Bunny Free Crochet Pattern

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Today, the new daily crochet pattern AAmigurumi Bunny Free Crochet Pattern, I want to give you some information about this pattern;

Necessary materials:

– hook No. 1.75

– ıncjaja gazall baby coton 1 piece gray for the body

-ıncyaja ghazal baby cotton white and pink

– spout 15 mm

– eyelashes, eyes 11 mm

– a piece of white, thin felt (for the eyes)

-magic ringрmagic ring ıncovolomagic ring for pens

– glue Moment Crystal ınc transparent.


MAGİC RİNG – amigurumi ring

CH-air loop

SC single crochet

INC–ıncibavmagic ring

DEC–decаmagic ring (decavka do for pp)

DC double crochet

HDC – half double crochet

Magnificent double crochet: knit three incomplete

post a magic ring with a crochet in one loop of the base and ınco knit

received loops together (finger on the front foot).

 Front paws:

 We begin to knit a foot of white ıncyazhey.

 1 row: 6 in MAGİC RİNG

2nd row: 6 ınc=12

3 row: (3sc, ınc) x3 = 15

4-5 row: 15sc

6 row: (3sc, dec) x3 = 12

7 row: 1sc, 1 magnificent column, 10sc = 12

8 row: 12sc, change the thread to gray

9-21 row = 12 sc

Fasten the thread, cut.

Rear legs:

We start knitting white ıncyazhey.

1 row: 6ch, from the second loop from the hookmagic ring: 4sc, 3sc

one loop, 3sc, ınc=12

2 row: (5sc, ınc) x2 = 14

3-7 row: 14sc

Change the thread to gray (marker on the side)

8-9 row: 3 sc, ınc, 5sc, dec, 3sc = 14

10-12 row: 14sc

 Body: (marker back middle)

1 row: 6 in MAGİC RİNG

2 row: (6sc, ınc) x6 = 12

3 row: (1sc, ınc) x6 = 18

4 row: (2sc, ınc) x6 = 24

5 row: (3sc, ınc) x6 = 30

6 row: (4sc, ınc) x6 = 36

7 row: (5sc, ınc) x6 = 42

8 row: 42 sc

9 row: (2sc, ınc) x3, 1sc, 7sc on the leg and body, 8sc, 7sc on

leg and body, 1sc, (ınc, 2sc) x3 = 48

10 row: 13sc, (2sc, 3ınc, 2sc) on the leg, (1sc, ınc) x4, (2sc,

3ınc, 2sc) along the leg, 13 sc = 58

11 row: 12sc, (ınc, 2sc) x4, ınc, 8sc, ınc, (2sc, ınc) x4, 12sc = 68

12-14 row: 68

15 row: 12sc, dec, 13sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 13sc, dec, 12sc = 64

16 row: 12sc, dec, 11sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 11sc, dec, 12sc = 60

17 row: 12sc, dec, 9sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 9sc, dec, 12sc = 56

18 row: 12sc, dec, 7sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 7sc, dec, 12sc = 52

19-20 row: 52scInsert the ıncovoluka into the legs.

21 row: 12sc, dec, 5sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 5sc, dec, 12sc = 48

22 row: 48 sc

23 row: (6sc, dec) x6 = 42

24-26 row: 42

27 row: (5sc, dec) x6 = 36

28 row: 36

Incand stuffing the body highlight the buttocks and thighs.

29 row: 5sc, 6sc on the arm and body, 14sc, 6sc on the arm and


30 row: 5sc, 6 in the hand, 14sc, 6 in the hand, 5sc = 36

31 row: (4sc, dec) x6 = 30

Insert the ıncovolok into your hands, the ends of the ıncovolok

wrap with a plaster and bring to the neck.

32 row: 30sc

33 row: (3sc, dec) x6 = 24

34 row: (2sc, dec) x6 = 18

35 row: (1sc, dec) x6 = 12

36 row: 12

We do not cut the thread, we will knit the head.


1 row: 12 ınc=24

2 row: (3sc, ınc) x6 = 30

3 row: (4sc, ınc) x6 = 36

4 row: (5sc, ınc) x6 = 42

5 row: 12sc, (1sc, ınc) x4,2sc, (ınc, 1sc) x4,12sc = 50

6 row: 12sc, (2sc, ınc) x4,2sc, (ınc, 2sc) x4,12sc = 58

7 row: 12sc, (3sc, ınc) x4,2sc, (ınc, 3sc) x4,12sc = 66

8 row: 12sc, (6sc, ınc) x6,12sc = 72

9-10 row: 72

11 row: 12sc, (3sc, dec) x4.8sc, (dec, 3sc) x4.12sc = 64

12 row: 12sc, (2sc, dec) x4.8sc, (dec, 2sc) x4.12sc = 56

13 row: 12sc, (1sc, dec) x4.8sc, (dec, 1sc) x4.12sc = 48

14-20 row: 48sc

21 row: (6sc, dec) x6 = 42

22 row: (5sc, dec) x6 = 36

23 row: (4sc, dec) x6 = 30

24 row: (3sc, dec) x6 = 24

25 row: (2sc, dec) x6 = 18

26 row: (1sc, dec) x6 = 12

27 row decave to the end.

Incand winding the head, highlight the cheeks!

A little advice: do not tie everything on your head at once

decave, leave an answer to output to it

threads ınc and the design of the muzzle.

For example, edge: insert the thread through the loose

hole in the head, leaving the tip of the thread, embroider

eyebrows and bring the thread back, tie the ends and

ıncachete in the crown.


2 gray parts and 2 pink.

1 row: 16 ch, from the second loop: 14 sc, (sc, hdc, sc) x in one loop, 13sc, ınc = 32

2 row: in a circle: (4sc, ınc) x3, 3sc in 1, (ınc, 4sc) x3, 1hdc = 40

3rd row: (2sc, ınc) x4.7sc, 3in 1.7sc, (ınc, 2sc) x4 1hdc = 50

Connect the gray and pink part, tie a magic ring around the ears.

Muzzlemagic ring: Cheeks:

1 row: 6 in MAGİC RİNG 7sc in MAGİC RİNG, fasten the thread.

2nd row: 6 ınc=12

3-4 row: 12 sc


1 row: 6 in MAGİC RİNG

2 row: 6 ınc = 12

3 row: (1sc, ınc) x6 = 18

4 row: (2sc, ınc) x6 = 24

5-7 row: 24

8 row: (2sc, dec) x6 = 18

Under the eyes, cut out a circle from felt, on one side

Slightly big-eyed magic ring, ınc glue the eyes at the level of the 14th row,

Glue the cilia. Glue the cheeks with glue.

Muzzle ıncishit. Embroider eyebrows.

Tail ıncish sew at the level of the 10th row, so that the bunny has

support, and he sat on his own.

Incise ears. Embroider fingers on the magic ring knife.

White breast magic ring:

We knit in rotary rows

1 row: 8 ch

2-3 row: 7sc pp

4 row: ınc, 5sc, ınc, pp \u003d 9

5 row: ınc, 7sc, ınc, pp \u003d 11

6 row: 11

7 row: ınc, 9sc, ınc, pp-13

8 row: 13

9 row: dec, 9sc, dec, pp \u003d 11

10 row: dec, 7sc, dec, pp \u003d 9

11 row: 9

12 row: dec, 5sc, dec, pp \u003d 7

13 row: dec, 3sc, dec, pp \u003d 5

14 row: dec, 1sc, dec, pp \u003d 3

15 row decave

Breast ıncishit, but you can ıncicleit.

Bunny is ready!!! Light loops!!!

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