Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers,Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you.
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Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi Weather Girls Free Crochet Pattern.

Arm*2 1 Work in Spiral: Magic Ring 1CH, 6X 6
2-20 6X (Fasten off and leave a LONG tail 6
for sewing armpit hole)
Note: Only put wire in arms – no stuffing
Leg*2 1 Work in Spiral: Magic ring 5X 5
2 4X, V 6
3 4X, 2V 8
4 4X, 2A 6
5-11 6X 6
12 5X, V 7
13-19 7X 7
20 3X, V, 3X 8
21-22 8X 8
23 7X, V 9
24 4X, V, 4X 10
25 10X (Fasten off) 10
From now make a SL and 1CH at the end of each row.
Find the middle point on the inside of the legs and make White
3CH to join the right leg to left leg at the back
26 10X, 3X, 10X, 3X, SL 26
27 1CH, 26X, SL 26
28 1CH, 24X, A, SL 25
29 1CH, 4X, A, 12X, A, 5X, SL 23
30 Change color BLO 1CH, 23X, SL 23
31 1CH, 21X, A, SL 22
32 1CH, 4X, A, 10X, A, 4X, SL 20
33 1CH, 3X, A, 10X, A, 3X, SL 18
34 1CH, (X, A)6, SL 12 35-42 1CH, 12X, SL 12 43 1CH, 3X, (add arm 6X), 6X, (add arm 6X), 3X, SL 24 44 1CH, 24X, SL 24 45 1CH, (2X, A, 2X)4, SL (Put in wire and stuff) 20
46 1CH, (X, A)*6, A, SL 13
47 1CH, X, 6A, SL 7
48-49 1CH, 7X, SL 7
50 1CH, 6X, V, SL 8
51 1CH, FLO 8V, SL 16 Skin
52 1CH, (X, V)8, SL 24 53 1CH, (X, V, X)8, SL 32
54 1CH, (3X, V)8, SL 40 55 1CH, 13X, 4V, 6X, 4V, 13X, SL 48 56-58 1CH, 48X, SL 48 59 1CH, 13X, 4A, 6X, 4A, 13X, SL (Eye position, between Row 59 & 60, see P2.4) 40 60-61 1CH, 40X, SL 40 62 1CH, 11X, (X, V, X)6, 11X, SL 46
63-64 1CH, 46X, SL 46
65 1CH, 12X, A, 2X, A, 10X, A, 2X, A, 12X, SL 42
66 1CH, 42X, SL 42
67 1CH, (5X, A)6, SL 36 68 1CH, 36X, SL 24 69 1CH, (2X, A, 2X)6, SL (Stuff) 30
70 1CH, (3X, A)6, SL 24 71 1CH, (X, A, X)6, SL 18
72 1CH, (X, A)*6, SL 12
73 1CH, 6A, SL (Stuff , fasten off and leave a LONG tail for sewing hole) 6
Nose – Please see pic P2.1-2.3

Hair Cap A A Magic Ring 3CH, 11F, SL (3CH=1F) P3.1 12 Hair color
Hair 1 31CH, turn to 2nd st, 30X, SL into same st 30
(total 24 2 1CH, turn and work in row (see pic), 10X, 21CH, turn to 2nd st, 30
strands) 30X, SL into next st
3 1CH, turn and work in row, 10X, 21CH, turn to 2nd st, P3.5 30
30X, SL into same st – P3.6
4 1CH, turn and work in row (see pic), 10X, 21CH, turn to 2nd st, 30
30X, SL into next st
5-18 REPREAT ROW 3 & 4 30
19-24 1CH, turn to 2nd st, 5X, 2T, 1CH, turn to 2nd st, 14
2T, 5X, SL into next st (Fasten off and leave a LONG tail for sewing)
Hair Cap B B Magic Ring 8X, SL 8 Hair color (Top)
Hair 1 35CH, turn to 2nd st, 34X, SL into same st 34
(total 16 2 35CH, turn to 2nd st, 34X, SL into next st 34
strands) 3-10 REPEAT ROW 1 & 2 34
11 11CH, turn to 2nd st, 10X, SL into same st 10
12 11CH, turn to 2nd st, 10X, SL into next st 10
13-16 REPEAT ROW 11 & 12 (Fasten off)

P3.10: Sewing the hair bangs
P3.14: Use iron to straighten the hair
P3.15: Stick the hair cup A to the head
P3.16: Pin the hair cup B into place.
Stick the strands to the head.
Rainy Mood
Part Row Stitch (3CH=1F) Pic Total St Color
Clothes 1 Work in Rows: 13CH, turn to 2nd st, (X, V)6, 1CH+Turn 18 Dark Blue 2 (2X, V)6, 1CH+Turn 24
3 (3X, V)6, 1CH+Turn 30 4 (4X, V)6, 1CH+Turn 36
5 36X, 1CH+Turn 36
6 4X, 5CH skip 8 sts, 12X, 5CH skip 8 sts, 4X, 1CH+Turn 30
7 FLO 2X, W, 6X, (X, W, X)4, 6X, W, 2X, Turn 42 8 3CH, 41F, 1CH+Turn 42 9 42X, Turn 42 10 3CH, (2F, FW, 2F)8, F, make SL to join the first st(see pic) P4.5 58
11 Start Work in Round: 1CH, 58X, SL P4.6 58
12 3CH, 57F, SL 58
13 1CH, 58X, SL 58
14 3CH, (3F, FW, 3F)*8, F, SL 74
15 1CH, 74X, SL 74
16 3CH, 73F, SL 74
17 1CH, 74X, SL 74
18 3CH, 73F, SL 74
19 1CH, 74X, SL 74
20 3CH, 73F, SL (Fasten off) 74
If the dress is too long, you can skip last 2 rows or make your own adjustment
Clothes 1 (see pic) 1CH, (in same st, X, 7CH, SL), downward 9X, P4.7 27 Dark Blue
(back) the other side 10X, SL (Fasten off)
Put on buttons and add some beads

P5.5: Bend thin wire into the shape of the shoe or cut out a piece of cardboard the same size as the shoe
sole. Using glue, stick the wire or cardboard to bottom of the shoe for support.
Shoe*2 1 Work in Rounds : 5CH, turn to 2nd, 3X, W, 2X, V, SL 10 Black
2 1CH, V, 2X, 3V, 2X, 2V, SL P5.2 16
3 1CH FLO: 16X, SL P5.3 16
4 1CH, Join together the BLO of previous row (see pic), 16X, SL P5.4 16
5 1CH, 16X, SL (put in shoe support) 16
6 1CH, 5X, 3A, 5X, SL 13
7-8 1CH, 13X, SL 13
9 1CH, 6X, V, 6X, SL 14
10 1CH, 14X, SL 14
11 1CH, 3X, V, 6X, V, 3X, SL 16
12 1CH, 16X, SL 16
13 1CH, 15X, V, SL 17
14 1CH, BLO 17X, SL, (5CH, SL) (Fasten off) 17+(5)
Cloud Cap Work in Spiral:
(B) 1 Magic Ring 6X 6 White
2 6V 12
3 (X, V)6 (Fasten off and leave a LONG tail for sewing the hole) 18 (A) 1 Magic Ring 6X 6 White 2 6V 12 3 (X, V)6 18
4 (X, V, X)6 24 5 (3X, V)6 30
6 (2X, V, 2X)6 36 7 36X 36 8 Join the A+B: 16X, (add B, 15X, skip 3 sts), join again the A, 17X 48 9 (7X, V)6 54
10 15X, V, 2A, V, 11X, V, 2A, V, 16X, 54
11 (4X, V, 4X)6 60 12 17X, V, 2A, V, 13X, V, 2A, V, 18X 60 13 19X, A, 8X, V, 8X, A, 17X, 3V 62 14 2V, 26X, 4V, 26X, (X, V)2 70
15 (X, V)2, 26X, (X, V)4, 26X, (X, V, X)2 78 16 (X, V, X)2, 26X, (X, V, X)4, 34X 84 17-20 84X 84 21 76X, (X, A, X)2 82
22 (X, A, X)2, 26X, (X, A, X)4, 32X 76
23 70X, (X, A)2 74 24 (X, A)2, 26X, (X, A)*4, 30X 68
25 64X, 2A 66
26 2A, 62X 64
27 64X (Fasten off) 64
Raindrop2 1 Magic Ring 6X 6 White 2 6V 12 3 12X 12 4 (X, A)4 8
5 4A 4
6 2A 2
7 25CH (Fasten off and leave a LONG tail for sewing) 25
- Sew the raindrop to both sides of cloud cap
- Blush*2 1 Magic Rng 8X (Fasten off) 8 Pink
- Stick with glue the blushes to cheek of cloud cap
Details * Embroider eye

Tips: Use Iron to
straighten the line.

Sunny Mood

Rainbow Clothes Work in Row: (3CH=1F)
1 13CH turn to 2nd st, (X, V)6, 1CH+Turn P4.1 18 White 2 (2X, V)6, 1CH+Turn 24
3 (3X, V)6, 1CH+Turn 30 4 (4X, V)6, 1CH+Turn 36
5 36X, 1CH+Turn 36
6 4X, 5CH skip 8 sts, 12X, 5CH skip 8 sts, 4X, 1CH+Turn
7 Change color FLO 2X, W, 6X, (X, W, X)4, 6X, W, 2X, Turn 42 Red 8 3CH, 41F, 1CH+Turn 42 9 Change color 42X, Turn 42 Orange 10 3CH, (2F, FW, 2F)8, F, Join the first st with SL
11 Start Work in Rounds: Change color 1CH, 58X, SL Yellow
12 3CH, 57F, SL 58
13 Change color 1CH, 58X, SL 58 Green
14 3CH, (3F, FW, 3F)*8, F, SL 74
15 Change color 1CH, 74X, SL 74 Blue
16 3CH, 73F, SL 74
17 Change color 1CH, 74X, SL 74 Dark Blue
Seperate for the trousers of the pants and Work In Rounds:
3CH, 34F, FA, SL+Join the first st 36
19A Change color 1CH, 10X, 8A, 10X, SL 28 Purple
20A 3CH, 4F, 9FA, 5F, SL 19
21A 1CH, 19SL (Fasten off) 19
Start from the middle at the inside of the pants and Dark Blue
Work in Rounds:
Leave long yarn (for sewing hole) 3CH, 34F, FA, Join the first st with SL 36
19B Change color 1CH, 10X, 8A, 10X, SL 28 Purple
20B 3CH, 4F, 9FA, 5F, SL 19
21B 1CH, 19SL (Fasten off) 19
Clothes 1 (see pic) 1CH, (in same st, X, 7CH, SL), downward 9X, White
(back) the other side 10X, SL (Fasten off)
Details – * Put on buttons

Shoe*2 – Same pattern as shoes of Rainny Mood P5 – Green
Sun Cap Work in Spiral: Yellow
1 Magic Ring 6X 6
2 6V 12
3 (X, V)6 18 4 (X, V, X)6 24
5 (3X, V)6 30 6 (2X, V, 2X)6 36
7 (5X, V)6 42 8 (3X, V, 3X)6 48
9 (7X, V)6 54 10 (4X, V, 4X)6 60
11-17 60X 60
18 (21CH turn to 2nd st, X, 3CH skip 3 sts, 13X, 3T), A, 28X,
(10CH turn to 3rd st, 8T), A, 28X, SL
Sunshine 1 36CH turn to 2nd st, SL, (7CH turn to 2nd st, 6X, SL into next st)*35∞ Yellow
(Leave a LONG LONG tail for sewing)
- Across the middle point of the cap, pin the “sunshine” into place
and sew it. - Blush*2 1 Magic Rng 8X (Fasten off) P10.6 8 Pink
- Stick with glue the blushes to cheek of sun cap
- Details * Embroider eye and put on buttons