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Amigurumi Adahy Free Crochet Pattern


a crochet hook 2,5mm (and 2mm for feathers)

yarn: YarnArt Jeans/ Gazzall Cotton Baby / Kartopu – according to preference – colors: ecru, beige, brown,

dark brown, black, white, red, yellow, navy blue, blue, light blue

fiberfill for stuffing


a yarn needle

a stitch marker or piece of yarn for marking rows

a piece of stick / toothpick (optional)

safety toy eyes 15mm (optional) – the toy has embroidered eyes

Key (US terms):

ch – chain

slst – slip stitch

sc – single crochet

(1,2,3…) – sc around

hdc – half double crochet

dc – double crochet ( 2dc – double crochet increase)

tr – treble crochet

dc2cl – 2 double crochet cluster

St(s): – stitch(es)

MR – magic ring

inc – increase

dec – decrease

BLO: – crochet into back loop only

() – repeat

[] – number of sts in a row

Stuff as you go.


Start with ecru yarn:

1. 6 sc in MR – [6]

2. (inc)*6 – [12]

3. (1,inc)*6 – [18]

4. (2,inc)*6 – [24]

5. (3,inc)*6 – [30]

6. (4,inc)*6 – [36]

7. (5,inc)*6 – [42]

8. (6,inc)*6 – [48]

9. (7,inc)*6 – [54]

10. (8,inc)*6 – [60]

11. (9,inc)*6 – [66]

12. – 20. [66]

21. (9,dec)*6 – [60]

22. (8,dec)*6 – [54]

23. (7,dec)*6 – [48]

24. (6,dec)*6 – [42]

25. 4, (dec,3)*3,2,dec,10,dec,7 – [37]

26. 3,(dec,2)*3,22 – [34] – If you’re using safety eyes, insert them between the 26th and 27th rows, about 14 sts apart.

27. [34]

28. 3,(dec,1)*4,19 – [30]

29. [30]

30. 2,(dec,1)*4,16 – [26]

31. [26]

32. 1,(dec)*6, 13 – [20]

33. [20]

34. (2,dec)*5 – [15]

35. [15]

36. (1,dec)*5 – [10]

Change to black yarn:

37. [10]

38. (dec)*5 – [5] – Fasten off, cut the yarn, embroider white reflexes on the nose.


Start with ecru yarn:

1. 6 sc in MR – [6]

2. (inc)*6 – [12]

3. (1,inc)*2, hdc, 2dc, hdc,(inc,1)*2,inc [18] – Flatten the edges, fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing,

sew the ears onto the head at the height of the 13th row, about 23 sts apart.


Start with black yarn:

1. 6 sc in MR – [6]

2. (inc)*4 – Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing, embroider white reflexes on the eyes (unless you’re using safety eyes).


Start with ecru yarn:

1. 6 sc in MR – [6]

2. (1,inc)*3 – [9]

3. – 4. [9]

5. 1,dc2cl,7 – [9] – dc2cl – that’s the thumb.

6. (dec)*2,5 – [7]

7. [7]

8. 3,inc,2,inc – [9]

9. – 11. [9]

Change to beige yarn:

12. BLO: [9]

13. [9]

14. BLO: [9]

Change to ecru yarn:

15. BLO: [9]

16. – 17. [9]

18. dec,3,dec,2 [7] – Flatten the edges (make sure the thumb is in the correct position), fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.


Start with ecru yarn:

1. 6 sc in MR – [6]

2. (1,inc)*3 – [9]

3. – 4. [9]

5. 1, dc2cl,7 – [9]

6. (dec)*2,5 – [7]

7. [7]

8. 3,inc,2,inc – [9]

9. – 17. [9]

18. dec,3,dec,2 [7] – Flatten the edges (make sure the thumb is in the correct position), fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.


Start with black yarn:

1. 9ch

2. Start in the second loop from the hook : inc,6,3 in next st, 6, inc – [19]

3. inc,7,3 in next st,1,3 in next st,7,inc – [25]

4. inc,9,inc,1,3 in next st,1,inc,9,inc – [31]

Change to brown yarn:

5. BLO: [31]

6. – 8. [31]

9. 8,(1,dec)*5,8 [26]

 10. 9,(dec)*4,9 [22]

 11. BLO:[22]

 Change to beige yarn:

 12. (9,dec)*2 [20]

 13. [20]

 14. (8,dec)*2 [18]

 15. – 22. [18]

 23. (8,inc)2 [20]

 24. First leg: 10 – Fasten off and weave in the end.

Second leg: 20, continue crocheting: ch,10 in next 10sts of the first leg, starting from the stitch which follows after the last stitch of the first leg. Don’t cut the yarn – insert a stitch marker and continue working on the body


Start with beige yarn:

1. 10,1 in ch, 20,1 in ch, 10 [42]

2. – 7. [42]

Change to ecru yarn:

 8. BLO: [42]

 9. (5,dec)*6 [36]

 10. [36]

 11. (4,dec)*6 [30]

 12. – 13. [30]

 14. (3,dec)*6 [24]

 15. – 17. [24]

 18. (2,dec)*6 [18]

 19. – 21. [18]

 22. (1,dec)*6 [12]

 23. 8 – Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing.

Now you’re going to work where there are colour changes on the hands and pants. In the places where you

worked into the back loop only, sc into front loops using beige yarn. Embroider eyebrows over the eyes.

Optional: Make tassels on trousers and hands. Using red yarn, embroider the paw pattern on the chest (see pictures)

Sew the head onto the neck the and arms onto the body. When all elements are sewn together, weave in the hair / spikes. Weave a strand into each sc on the head and back, starting at the height of the ears and ending  where the pants start.

TOMAHAWK (Hatchet) :

Start with light blue yarn:

1. 4ch

2. Start in the second loop from the hook: 3,ch

3. turn, dec,1

4. turn, 2

Change to brown yarn:

1. 4 sc in MR – [4]

Sc around for several rows, until you’ve achieved desired length of the handle. You can put a stick inside to

make it stiffer. Make ch 24 and sew the blade vertically onto the handle.


Start with beige yarn:

1. 8ch

2. Start in the second loop from the hook: 7, ch

3. turn, 7,ch

4. turn, 1,hdc,dc,tr,dc,hdc,1 [7]

Change to navy blue yarn:

5. turn, 1,hdc,dc,tr,dc,hdc,1 [7]

Change to blue yarn:

6. turn, 1,hdc,dc,tr,dc,hdc,1 [7]

Change to yellow yarn:

7. 3,inc,3 [8] – Fasten off, sew the loincloth onto the body below the waist, as photos indicate.


Start with navy blue yarn:

1. 51ch

2. Start In the second loop from the hook: 50ch

Change to yellow yarn:

3. (1,1- in the first row,1,slst)*to the end

Blue yarn:

 30ch, skip 13 sc from headband, make 23 slst in the next 23 sts, 30ch – the chains are used to tie the headband.

Joanna Grzelak/Sishomemade.


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