Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers
Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…
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Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amіgurumі Ηippo Gоshka and Girlfriend Ρebblе Crοchеt Free Crochet, I want to give you some information about this pattern;
Αcсordіng tο thіs dеsсriptіоn, you саn сrochеt plυsh hіррοs: Gosha and Рebbles. Anу plush уarn іs suіtаble for knіtting аmіgurumі: Himаlayа Dοlphin Вabу, ΥаrnArt Dоlce and оthers.
The sіzе of thе finishеd toу іs аbοut 30 сm.

Materials and tools:
Plush tie ΥarnΑrt Dolce
Thread for embroidery muzzle
Hook 4 mm
Eyelets for toys 14-16 mm
Filler for toys
Needle for stitching details
Everything you need can be bought here.
MAGİC RİNG – amigurumi ring
ch – air loop
sc – single crochet
ınc— ıncibavka
dec – decavka
(…) x n times – repeat n times
Description of knitting amigurami Hippo Goshmagic rings his friend Galka crochet
The torso and legs are knitted in one piece.
First we knit the left leg. Let’s start with an additional color:
1 row: 6 sc in MAGİC RİNG (6)
2 row: ıncx 6 times (12)
3 row: (sc, ınc) x 6 times (18)
4 row: 18 through the back wall of the loop (18)
5th row: 18 sc(18)
Introducing the main color:
6-7 row (2 rows): 18 sc(18)
8 row: (4 sc, dec) x 3 times (15)
9-10 rows (2 rows): 15 sc(15)
We cut out circles from felt along the diameter of the foot and insert them inside the legs.
11 row: (3 sc, dec) x 3 times (12)
12 row: 12 sc (12). We make a connecting column.
We cut the thread, the tip ıncyachem inside the leg. Similarly, we knit the ıncavyu leg, we do not cut the thread. We begin to knit the torso.
1st row: We knit 3 air loops and then we knit 12 left legs, then 3 sc along the chain of air loops, 12 scins of the foot, 3 sc along the chain of air loops. It turned out 30 sc. Loops need to be counted! We mark the beginning of the 2nd row with a marker.
2 row: (4 sc, ınc) x 6 times (36)
3 row: (5 sc, ınc) x 6 times (42)
4-10 rows (7 rows): 42 sc(42)
The end of the 10th row is located in the middle of the front.
11 row: 17 sc, 3 dec, 19 sc (39) 3 deca 11 rows are located in the middle, so we form the ass
12th row: 5 sc, dec, 11 sc, dec, 11 sc, dec, 6 sc(36)
13 row: 5 sc, dec, 10 sc, dec, 10 sc, dec, 5 sc (33) deca of the 13th row are located strictly above the deca of the 12th row.
You can fill the legs and part of the torso.
14th row: 5 sc, dec, 9 sc, dec, 9 sc, dec, 4 sc(30) decaves of the 14th row are placed strictly over the decaves of the 13th row.
15th row: 4 sc, dec, 8 sc, dec, 8 sc, dec, 4 sc(27) the decals are shifted relative to the 14th row by 1 sc.
16th row: 4 sc, dec, 7 sc, dec, 7 sc, dec, 3 sc (24) decaves of the 16th row are located strictly above the decaves of the 15th row.
17th row: 4 sc, dec, 6 sc, dec, 6 sc, dec, 2 sc(21) the deca of the 17th row are located strictly above the deca of the 16th row.
18 row: 21 sc (21)
19 row: 4 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec, 1 sc (18)
20 row: 18 sc(18)
21 row: connecting column.
We leave the thread for stitching 30 cm. If you suddenly lost your way somewhere, then follow the following knitting principle: all decals are located along the line of the spine and symmetrically on the side of the tummy. 18 row ınco-knit without decavo. We beat the torso.
Ready for eyes. We degrease with alcohol the surfaces that are going to be glued. We glue the eyelashes on the edge of the eye, if you have eyes in the shape of a trapezoid. If polygonal, then along the back wall. The head of the ınsyazhey of the main color.
1 row: chain magic ring from 4 ch
2nd row: IN 2 from the hook sc, in 3 chsc, in 4 ch3 sc, then in a circle from the other side of the chain in 3 chsc, in 2 chsc, in 1 ch3 sc (10). Columns COUNT!
We put the marker of the beginning of the row. If you cıncavilis with this stage, then everything will go like clockwork. Next, we knit in a spiral.
3 row: (2 sc, 3 ınc) x 2 times (16)
4 row: (3 sc, ınc, sc, ınc, sc, ınc) x 2 times (22)
5 row: (4 sc, ınc, 2 sc, ınc, 2 sc, ınc) x 2 times a (28)
6 row: (5 sc, ınc, 3 sc, ınc, 3 sc, ınc) x 2 times (34)
7 row: 17 sc, PK, 3 sc, PK, 12 sc (34) PK is popcorn.
A) We knit 3 columns with a crochet in 1 loop. It turns out a fan.
B) We remove the hook from the loop and put it in the arch in front of the first double crochet.
C) We capture the first loop.
Γ) Stretch through the arch in front of the first double crochet.
8-10 row (3 rows): 34 sc(34)
11 row: 7 sc, dec, 6 sc, dec, 7 sc, dec, 6 sc, dec (30)
12 row: (3 sc, dec) x 6 times (24)
13 row: behind the front wall of the half loop 9 sc, ınc, sc, ınc, sc, ınc, 2 sc, ınc, sc, ınc, sc, ınc, 3 sc (30)
14 row: 10 sc, ınc, 2 sc, ınc, 2 sc, ınc, 3 sc, ınc, 2 sc, ınc, 2 sc, ınc, 3 sc (36)
15 row: (5 sc, ınc) x 6 times (42)
16 row: (6 sc, ınc) x 6 times (48)
17-24 rows (8 rows): 48 sc (48) insert the eyes between the 14th and 15th row symmetrically to the nostrils (PC loops) at a distance of 3 stitches from the edge of the eye.
25 row: (dec, 6 sc) x 6 times (42)
26 row: (dec, 5 sc) x 6 times (36)
27 row: (dec, 4 sc) x 6 times (30)
28 row: (dec, 3 sc) x 6 times (24) Fill the head tightly.
29 row: (dec, 2 sc) x 6 times (18)
30 row: (dec, sc) x 6 times (12)
31 row: dec x 6 times (6)
Pull the hole. Put the thread 15 cm. Incline the head to the body and remember that area of the head, which will be cıncyatana in the body. Cinch the thread inside the head and bring it out to the very place, the head, which will be hidden inside the body.
Ears (2 parts):
Yarn of the main or additional color (to taste and color …):
1 variant of ears (y golden hippo):
1st row: 6 sts in MAGİC RİNG(6)
2 row: (sc, ınc) x 3 times (9)
3-5 row (3 rows): 9 sc(9)
6th row: Fold in half and connect 4 sc.
Option 2 ears (pink hippo):
1st row: 6 sts in MAGİC RİNG(6)
2 row: (sc, ınc) x 3 times (9)
3 row: (2 sc, ınc) x 3 times (12)
4th row: 12 sc(12)
5 row: (2 sc, dec) x 3 times (9)
6 row: Fold in half and connect 4 sc.
We leave long tips for sewing. We incise the ears in the 22nd row of the head.
Handles (2 parts):
Choose an additional color:
1 row: 6 sc in MAGİC RİNG (6)
2nd row: ınx 6 times (12)
3rd row: 12 sc for the back half loop (12)
4 row: 12 sc(12)
Main color ink:
5-6 rows (2 rows): 12 sc(12)
7 row: (dec, 2 sc) x 3 times (9)
8-16 rows (9 rows): 9 sc(9)
17 row: fold in popοlam, connect 4 sc.
Incise κ 19 row of the body until the moment of stuffing the head.
Cbοpmagic ringtoys

Assеmbling the tоy:
I sew the details of my toys with cotton ıncyazhey type Iris.
Incise the ears. Ears ıncishivaem in 22-23 rows of the head.
Inkishivaem hands. We sew the ıncishiva in the 19th row of the body. The remaining threads are fastened and ıncachem in the body.
We sew the head to the body.